Getting to know Generation Alpha

Katie Firth highlights 5 key things you need to know about Gen A

1. Generation Alpha are the digital natives

Born from 2010 onwards, this is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age – fully immersed in tech from Day One. In a YouGov survey from 2019, 85% of British kids surveyed had access to a tablet at age 6 while over half had their own phone by ages 10-11.

2. They prefer short-form, visual content

Faced with a wealth of digital stimuli, and a conveyor belt of endless, instantaneous information, attention spans are short. Gen A favour short-form, visual content (Ofcom, 2023). YouTube and TikTok have taken the place of traditional live TV, and dual screen viewing has become commonplace – Gen A are seasoned multi-taskers.

3. They are socially aware and ambitious

Growing up in a more inclusive society, Gen A are socially conscious – attuned to social and environmental issues. They’re also driven and ambitious. Research conducted by Opinium in August 2023, found over 75% of 8–14-year-olds surveyed aspired to be their own boss, or have a side hustle in the future– while only 13% wanted to work for others.

4. Gen A favour the same brands as generations above them

The ‘tween’ market of the past appears to be shrinking, as Gen A now embrace similar brands to mum and dad. While Netflix was deemed the ‘coolest’ brand by kids in the UK in 2023, US advertising and media agency Razorfish found Gen A and Gen Z aligned on all but two of their top 10, favoured brands.

5. They value experiential shopping – and have purchase power

Despite being a few years away from driving themselves to the shops, Gen A welcome instore shopping, and have serious purchase-power, thanks to parental influence. Research by creative agency VML, found Gen A are not wedded to the digital world, with more preferring the experience of shopping instore, than online.

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